Rethinking Remote Office Backup

    If you have remote offices, your system administrators already know the challenges involved with backing up your data such as ever-increasing data volumes, network bandwidth constraints, overburdened IT administrators, and complicated, time-consuming backup processes. A reliance on older, less efficient, and more costly technologies only adds to the challenges, which are compounded the more sites your organization has or the number of places you need to replicate your backups.

    Why choose remote data backup? The answer is simple: It eliminates the risk of broken tapes, forgotten schedules, and hard drive failures. Plus, backups can be automated, freeing your staff for other important tasks.

    Cloud-based remote office backup solutions have evolved to meet today’s business demands in terms of security, elasticity, simplicity, and control. They are cost-effective compared to manual, onsite backup onto physical devices, and are easy to implement and administer.

    Enjoy Peace of Mind

    Today’s data backup solutions typically meet high standards for storage and encryption, so your data is protected at rest and in transit. Such solutions also address other data transfer and storage concerns:

    • Data is typically stored in world-class, state-of-the-art data centers, which employ the highest security standards. Stored away from your site, it is safe from fire, theft, flood, and other events that could impact your offices.
    • Data centers often employ secure perimeters with card and biometric authorization, redundant power systems, multiple network providers, and cooling measures for optimal data storage.
    • Nearly continuous data protection with real-time file sync provide virtually up-to-the-minute backup.
    • Regulatory compliance, audits and certifications. Today’s cloud backup providers like Fusion Connect undergo audits and receive certifications from third-party agencies to ensure your data protection peace of mind. The Fusion Connect Data Backup service, for example, is SOC 1 SSAE 16 Type 2 Compliant and ISO 27001 Certified.

    Go Ahead: Grow

    Often, with traditional data backup methods, growth meant that you had to add staff and/or storage media, or expand backup processes to support new applications. By working with a cloud-based data backup service, you have access to virtually unlimited backup resources and storage capacity, available on demand.

    Maintain Control, But Leave the Data to Us

    Remote, cloud-based backup services like Fusion Connect Data Backup put your administrators squarely in control of your data.

    • Back up individual computers or servers, with the option to back up both locally and online for double reassurance.
    • Set policies on bandwidth usage and backup speeds, create custom backup sets, and refine what file types should be backed up.
    • Browse and search your backed up files, and decide how to restore the version(s) you need, up to 90 days in the past. Restore via the software client, over the web, by using mobile device app, or by ordering a DVD restore.
    • Save bandwidth with incremental backups. Once the initial backup is complete, backup services like Fusion Connect Data Backup only back up new or changed portions of files, saving bandwidth and making subsequent backups lightning fast.
    • Easily set up and administer your backups for all your sites, centrally, from an easy-to-use portal (see example below).

    93% of businesses that experience a major data loss close within 5 years.

    Fortunately, this is a tragedy that can be avoided, and Fusion Connect can help. We are on the leading edge of delivering best-in-class cloud business services that take the burden off you. Our Data Backup, Cloud Hosting, Hosted email, Unified Communications, Voice, Data, Security, and other business services help organizations stay focused on running and building their business. Contact us today to learn more.

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